
One Factor to the Big Question - Domesticated Animals

 There were several domesticated animals that gave a huge geographic advantage to the spaniards back then when they were on conquests. Domesticated animals are wild animals that are tamed by human hands. First of all, they have helped us in variety of ways. Some of them were used for food, or maybe as a Beast of Burden, so then which the people were able to save energies. However, the biggest thing could have been that they were a good resource for food that didn't run out, but then they had some infective germs  Goats were one of the domesticated animals (13) that were domesticated 10000 years ago at Zagros Mountain (modern-day) Iran and they are the oldest farmyard animal. Then comes pigs, they were domesticated 7000 years ago at the fertile crescent and China. Pigs were the easiest tamable farm animals. Zebras weren't domesticated because they were so hard to domesticate, so the weren't a part of the 13 domesticated animals. Second to the last, sheep come in. They were domesticated 7000 years ago as well and wild sheep were located in the Fertile Crescent around the stone age. Finally horses come along with the 13 domesticated animals. They were domesticated 5000 years ago at Asia and they were mostly used for their strength and farm machines.
 As well as you know, the domesticated animals were great benefits to us. They also did work for us, make food for us, and we know that they did a lot, but they helped the civilizations get more time to get specialized. So what I'm trying to say is that these animals has quite helped us a lot in getting the civilizations grow and get advanced.


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