Another answer for the Big Question we want to tell you is about where the civilization has been located. If you have seen the post about the Agricultural Revolution, you will know that some places have specific farming crops than others or even none. This tells that it is very important on that what type of landform, or climate you live in. Some other thing is that if you live between other civilizations, you can easily get the information of what is going on and also easily do trades with other countries. Well we will explain further more about it.
As we said, the climate and the landform really do affect you. We will tell you about the East-West Axis for example. The East-West Axis is the latitude that straightly goes over the Middle-East. In the axis, it is a very good place for farming and the resources are already there. Even though you didn't have the resources, if anyone in the Middle-East have planted something, it will spread easily over the all places. It is because in the East-West Axis, the climates are all the same, which any plants that live in those areas are able to live in the other side of the area too.
Also, I've said that if you are between other civilizations, it can be beneficial too. It is probably because you can get the "cargo" easily and have often trades. For example, the europeans, had easily gotten infos from other places. For example, they got and learned about the gunpowders from China, and they have gotten few important knowledges from ancient civilizations.
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