
Glossary Terms

This is the glossary where you can find the definition of a word used at GGS that you don't under stand about.

Cargo- materials brought by usually a ship (can contain weapons, tools, etc.) .
Inequality- is the condition of unequal. Like the difference between the rich and the poor.
Stone Age- is the age earlier then the Bronze and Iron age, where the only tools were usually made of stones.
Fertile Crescent- the first ancient civilization in the Middle East who actually had the Agricultural Revolution.
Domestication- is the system of taming wild animals and breeding them for the benefits having it.
Beast of Burden- are animals that we use for food, working, or etc. (usually domesticated animals).
Specialization- is the way of adapting to special conditions or environment.
East-West Axis- the latitude/line that goes directly over the Middle East Asia.
Agricultural Revolution- the period where the people try to learn about how to farm.
Conquistador- are the Spanish Conquerers.
Metallurgy- work or study the relates on doing something with metals.
Conquest- the act of conquering other territory, or place.
Epidemic- describes something the infects and spreads easily from person to person; usually diseases.
Gutenburg Press- is the first type-printing or the type-writing machine that Johannes Gutenburg invented.


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